
Sunday, June 2, 2013

All Our sufferings which come to our World - to Us and to Other Worlds, come only with a separation

Ground in Earth Core...the Tree of Life and there you will find all what will support your life ,be still in your heart - your mother - Earth will support you, her dear child,return to your Mother ♥ she is calling you back ♥ 

Unite with a Core of your father -Sun . Farther Sun and Mother Earth were creating your life together... Returning to your parents and remembering the Oneness will bring you to your true self ...

All Our sufferings which come  to our World - to Us  and to Other Worlds, come only with a separation,which doesnt truly exist.All Sufferings in the World came with just a lack of The  Unity , just with an illusion of Separation it came...and to get free from all them and return is possible only with an awakening the Power of Unity within ourselves ♥ with All That Is ♥ With An Entire Being ♥ We are truly Are♥ Remember...awake the Spirit of Unity ...Within you, in your heart

   ♥We Are A Whole One♥

卍ᛣᛉ卐 ᛝ ↯↯↯ ѪDurgaѪ ↯↯↯ ᛝ 卍ᛉᛣ卐

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